Sound Ideas, BIRD, FLYCATCHER - SINGING, ANIMAL (Heard once in "What's Inside?."). Sound Ideas, BIRD, DUCKS - MALLARD: TWO DUCKS CALLING, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Blue's Story Time."). Sound Ideas, BIRD, DUCK - SINGLE DUCK QUACKING, ANIMAL (Heard once in ("Joe's First Day!"). Sound Ideas, BIRD, CROW - THREE CROWS CAWING, ANIMAL, (Heard various times in "Blue's News!" and heard once in "Imagine Nation", "The Boat Float", "100th Episode Celebration", "Magenta's Messages" and "The Fairy Tale Ball."). Sound Ideas, BIRD, CROW - COMMON CROW: CALLS, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Math!" and "Animals In Our House?."). Sound Ideas, BIRD, CHICKEN - SINGLE CHICK PEEPING, ANIMAL (Heard often in "Snack Time" and "Blue's Favorite Song."). Sound Ideas, BELL, HAND - LARGE BRASS BELL: SINGLE RING. Sound Ideas, BELL, HAND - LARGE BRASS BELL: SHORT RING. Sound Ideas, BELL, DESK - DESK BELL: SINGLE RING. Sound Ideas, BELL, BICYCLE - BICYCLE BELL: SINGLE RING (Heard six times in "Morning Music."). CUTLASS - EXTERNAL: HORN, DOUBLE BLAST, CLOSE UP, OLDSMOBILE Sound Ideas, AUTO, HONDA ACCORD - EXT: HORN, DOUBLE BLAST, CLOSE UP (Heard once in "Blue's Big Car Trip."). Sound Ideas, AUTO, DOOR - OPEN, 01 (Heard once in "What's Inside?."). Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CHEERING - OUTDOOR: SMALL CROWD 01 (Heard once in "Blue's Wishes" during the Mailtime Segment.). Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CHEERING - INDOOR: HOCKEY ARENA, MEDIUM CROWD CHEERING, SPORTS (Heard once in "Joe's Clues."). Sound Ideas, ANVIL - SINGLE HIT ON ANVIL WITH HAMMER, METAL 01 (Heard often in "Inventions."). Jumanji Lion Roar (Heard on the clue paper towel roll in "What Does Blue Want To Make Out of Recycled Things?."). Hollywoodedge, Yng Girl Giggl Playfu PE674101 (Only heard in its logo in mid-1999-2006 airings.). Hollywoodedge, Wood Crash Large PE113501. Hollywoodedge, Twangy Boings 7 Type CRT015901 (2nd boing heard once in "Blue's ABC's."). Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Chee PE142801. Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle In Out CRT057602. Hollywoodedge, Single Piece Wood Fal PE113801. Hollywoodedge, Short Nose Blowsbul CRT021102. Hollywoodedge, Sheep Baa Medium Pers PE027001. Hollywoodedge, Screams 1 Woman Singl PE133501. Hollywoodedge, Police Wailer Siren PE080801/ Sound Ideas, SIREN - 'WAIL' SIREN, POLICE, AMBULANCE, FIRE TRUCK 01 (Heard in "The Boat Float" and "Playdates."). Hollywoodedge, Night Ambience Light PE011701/ Sound Ideas, CRICKET - TWO CRICKETS CHIRPING, ANIMAL, INSECT (Heard once in "The Trying Game" and heard various times in high and low pitches in "Bugs!."). Hollywoodedge, Morning Park Birds Me PE010501.
Hollywoodedge, Lightning 08 CloseG SIG012601.Hollywoodedge, Lincoln Town Car In Sk PE073501.Hollywoodedge, Horses Several Whinn PE025201/ Hollywoodedge, Horse Whinnies Group AT045501.Hollywoodedge, Gusts Heavy Cold Wind PE031601/ Hollywoodedge, Whistling Wind Stead PE033301 (Heard once in "Draw Along with Blue").Hollywoodedge, Giggling Two Childre PE131001/ Hollywoodedge, Two Young Kids Giggle PE143501.Hollywoodedge, Elephant TrumpetsT CRT012901.Hollywoodedge, Egg Timer Bell DingsL PE193601 (Heard often in a high pitch in "Weight and Balance", twelve times in a high pitch in "What Time is It for Blue?" and once in a high pitch in "Playing Store.").Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Glass PE110901 (Heard once in "Mailbox's Birthday".).Hollywoodedge, Cattle Cow Moo Bellow AT041501.Hollywoodedge, Catfssst Yowl Hiss CRT012603.
Hollywoodedge, Cats Two Angry YowlsD PE022601 (Used heard once in "Blue's Big Holiday" as a short clip in a low pitch.). Hollywoodedge, Brush Teeth TE035901 (Heard eight times in "Bedtime Business."). Hollywoodedge, Bird Rooster 2 Crow PE021501. Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Scre PE020801/ Hollywoodedge, Hawk Screech Single AT082901. Hollywoodedge, Bird Duck Quacks Clos PE020501 (Heard mostly in "Blue's Favorite Song" and "Blue Wants to Play a Game," once in "What Did Blue See?" and heard three times in "Look Carefully."). Hollywoodedge, Baby Crying Slowly PE144001.
HollywoodEdge (Europe Edition), Roland UK - Birds Chirping (Heard once in a letter segment in the UK dub of the episode "Hide and Seek.").
Nickelodeon Siren Whistle (Heard in "Magenta Comes Over."). Fiddle From Blue's Clues Trill (Heard in "Blue's ABC's."). AAAAHHH Screaming (Heard in "What Story Does Blue Want to Play?".). Airplane Music Souring (Heard in "Pretend Time", "Tickety's Favorite Nursery Rhyme", "The Lost Episode!", "Mechanics!", "Pool Party", "Periwinkle Misses His Friend", "The Anything Box", "Joe Gets a Clue" and "Up, Down All Around!"). Sometimes, it uses minor selections from Premiere Edition Volume 1 and Cartoon Trax/Disney. Toy airplane wrong sound effect series#
The show primarily uses Series 6000 sound effects, alongside minor selections from Hanna-Barbera and Series 4000 and one Series 1000 and Premiere Edition Volume 6 sound effect.